
 Nuclear power for the classroom
Printable nuclear activities

Crosswords, word searches and vocabulary and color-in activities on nuclear power, meltdowns and radiation



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Printable nuclear activities:
   Crosswords to print
   Word searches to print
   Vocabulary activities
   Color-in activities

See also:
Interactive nuclear activities
Nuclear teaching and learning



Printable nuclear activities:


  Nuclear reactor crossword  - printable version (
- Based on information contained in the Japanese Disasters Need-to-Know Glossary by The Global Language Monitor.
(Our Earthquakes and tsunamis crossword also uses this glossary.)
- Can be downloaded as pdf (A4 size) or pdf (US letter size).
- An online version is also available.
- If you are a teacher and you would like the solution to this crossword, please send a request to the email address at the bottom of this page.

Nuclear Science and Technology crossword - printable version [pdf] (American Nuclear Society)

Word searches

  Nuclear Energy: Word Search Worksheets Builder (
Add more terms if you wish to this partially set-up nuclear energy word search, then choose modifications such as size, complexity and font before printing out.

Vocabulary activities

  Nuclear Energy: Word Scramble Worksheets Builder (
Add more terms if you wish to this partially set-up nuclear energy jumbled letters activity, then choose modifications such as layout, complexity and font before printing out.

Nuclear Energy spelling worksheet builder (
Worksheet generator.
Add more terms if you wish to this partially set-up nuclear energy spelling sheet, then choose modifications such as size and font before printing out. (Avoid large fonts as they may truncate longer words.)

Color-in activities

  Power Plant Diagram - Boiling Water Reactor (See Teachers' Lesson Plans in Nuclear lesson plans)

Power Plant Diagram - Pressurized Water Reactor (See Teachers' Lesson Plans above)

Nuclear Power Plant (See Teachers' Lesson Plans above)




Last updated 4 April 2011
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